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Our Services

We realize that each of our customers is different with unique needs and business challenges which they are trying to solve. Below is a summary of our services to assist in solving your unique business challenges.

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Custom Integrations & AI

We help enterprises extend their technology ecosystems with seamless experiences, including GenAI and Gamification, in a way which helps scale business processes, operations and enhances cultural initiatives. 


Our veteran engineering team has deep familiarity with the LumApps ecosystem and we provide personalized integrations that help align your strategic and business objectives.


Search Enhancement Services

As a proud Coveo partner, our goal is to streamline workplace experiences by making search a seamless part of the employee journey.

Our search services offer search engineering support to fill resourcing or expertise gaps. Our team will optimize usage of your third party search solution to your organization's specific search use cases.

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As a seasoned implementations service provider and a LumApps partner, we aim to bring our customer's employee experience vision to reality.


Our implementation team works closely to identify your business goals and solve your challenges by transforming them into a clean, simple and effective solution using LumApps' deployment methodologies and UI/UX best practices.

SME Support

We offer post-go live product SME & strategic solutions consulting during your digital workplace maturity phase.

This includes addressing your strategic objectives and aligning them to your digital workplace ideal state, technical product support, configurations, governance, and product best practices.


UI / UX Design

Whether you’re looking to design a new site experience or to refresh an existing site, our seasoned U/X team will assist to ensure that your ideal designs will conform to LumApps U/X best practices and maintain user experience integrity.


Obtaining the right level of data from your LumApps instance and reporting it in a meaningful way to stakeholders is essential for identifying the gaps and opportunities with communication.

Our team helps assess the analytics use cases, and helps integrating and/or blending it from any required data source such as BQ, Google, Platform Logs, and represent it in a way which best serves the requirements within your BI tool.

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